Love Can Build a Roof: Singin’ in the Wood to Benefit Church Roof Repair

Love Can Build a Roof: Singin’ in the Wood to Benefit Church Roof Repair

Gary Newman

Ashland Beacon

CHURCH OF GOD of Raceland


One of the truly amazing characteristics of our community is how people come together when there’s a need.  By the time the largely elderly congregation from the Church of God in Raceland realized there were multiple damaged areas to the roof of their building on Crump Street that had most likely begun during the ice storm and deteriorated from there, too much time had passed for the insurance company to cover the damages.  As devastating as that news must’ve been, hope lingers on the horizon as a benefit set to raise funds to help the church restore their building gives Boyd and Greenup Countians a chance to show off the ‘coming together’ spirit that so frequently reveals itself in our community. 


Saturday, May 6th, ‘Singin’ in the Wood’ will take place at Westwood Lions Club Park in Westwood and will feature a full line-up of performers, vendor booths, a petting zoo, a silent auction supplied by donations, Italian ice, and food available for sale.  All the proceeds will benefit the church in need, and there will be something going on from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.  The singing will be courtesy of a full lineup of Christian and gospel singers and groups including: Stephen Kouns, Fred Spencer, The Singing Servants, Called, the Uplifters, Sonya Newman, The Shope Family Legacy, and Jerry Moore. 

The origin of this event started at a family dinner where brainstorming to raise funds to help the church bounced from idea to idea, and Austin Robinson suggested the idea of a benefit. “We’re hoping to raise enough money to at least fix the roof to prevent further cosmetic damages to the inside. Everything cosmetic can wait.  If we raise enough to do both, then it was the Lord’s will,” Carissa Johnson, the event coordinator stated, “We’ve just pieced it together as we go along.”  She explained that Austin and Ashley Shope recommended the Westwood Lions Club Park.   “This event is supporting a great cause,” Johnson continued, “We will have awesome food prepared by amazing cooks!  100% of the proceeds are going directly to the church. We hope people will stop by and listen to some of the music and enjoy the fellowship with us if anything!”

Johnson thanks Austin & Ashley, Lee Ann Johnson, & Travis Thompson for their contributions, and particularly Brandon Steele for loaning a trailer for the stage.  The biggest thing is the community coming together to assist this church in need.   “There’s going to be a silent auction and food and drinks for sale,” Carissa encouraged, “I’m going to be posting a Venmo/Cashapp QR Code that’s going to accept donations on the day of the event.”

What a great opportunity for our community to once again come together as only we can, and lend a hand to a church in need.  Show up, hear some tunes, grab a bite, bring a friend, and keep our neighbors at Church of God in Raceland and their Pastor James Ison in your prayers. 

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