Kaitlyn Pullin Puts Her Artistic Spin on Raceland-Worthington High School
Jarrod E. Stephens
The Ashland Beacon
Every high school senior makes their journey through school in a unique way. One Raceland High School senior, Kaitlyn Pullin, has “danced” her way through the years and has collected many fond memories along the way. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Jeremy and Lora Pullin and has been a Raceland Ram since kindergarten.
Being a lifelong Ram, Kaitlyn has had many experiences along her educational journey to remember. “I have been a dancer on the Raceland Varsity Dance Team for six years. Some of my best memories at Raceland have been cheering on the sidelines and dancing on the field during halftime at football games.”
Aside from dancing, Kaitlyn has also spent a lot of time with the high school choir. She commented, “I loved going on choir trips like Choral Fest and District Assessment, and being a part of Raceland's first musical, The Addams Family.”
Raceland-Worthington High School choir director, Mark Reinhardt clearly expressed the qualities that Kaitlyn brought into the program. “Kaitlyn Pullin is an exceptional and well-rounded individual in the arts, but her personality shines beyond music, theatre and dance. She is kind, considerate, and the first to offer help when someone needs it. It is a joy to be around her in any capacity, as you know you are in good company.”
Kaitlyn has also been an active leader within her school as she has been part of several clubs and organizations. She has been an active member in Beta Club, Key Club, FCCLA, FCA, Drama Club, Academic Team, as well as Chamber and Concert Choirs.
Within these clubs she has held the offices of Beta Club Secretary and FCCLA Chaplain (2022-2023) as well as Key Club Vice President (2023-2024).
To have a successful educational career, it takes a lot of dedicated people to help along the way. Kaitlyn reflected upon her years as a Raceland Ram and is grateful for several instructors who have directed her and made her who she is today. "Some teachers and staff members who I really appreciate and recognize are Mr. Reinhardt for helping me to grow as a musician and always believing in me, Mrs. Johnson for always putting a smile on my face. She was willing to stop class a discussion to talk about books, and Mrs. Justice for being a great example and role model for being an amazing elementary school teacher."
It truly is amazing how life experiences can shape your dreams and desires. Kaitlyn thoroughly enjoyed her years at Raceland and hopes to one day return to the area and give back to the school where her educational journey began. "In the fall of 2024, after I graduate from Raceland, I plan on attending Ashland Community and Technical College for two years while majoring in Arts, and transfer to Morehead State University for the remainder of my education to ultimately receive a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education. My overall career goal is to come back to Greenup County and hopefully teach at Campbell Elementary."
The Raceland Community and the Raceland-Worthington Independent School District celebrate and congratulate Kaitlyn Pullin for her many accomplishments. May God bless you.