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Who is the Global Methodist Church?

Who is the Global Methodist Church?

Brittany Hall

The Ashland Beacon

    In a world that is ever changing, it is difficult to know what is truth and what is opinion or hearsay. When searching for answers, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and most often, walk away with more questions than when the searching began. Reverend, Tammy Smith, from First Methodist Church in Louisa, is hoping to clear away some of the fog. She is the Presiding Elder of the Ashland District of the Global Methodist denomination in Kentucky. The Ashland District extends from Ashland to Morehead and includes West Liberty. 

            Rev. Smith has a passion for people within and outside of the Methodist church and given the separation and formation of the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Global Methodist Church (GMC), she wants to create an opportunity for clarity. “Following the exist of many United Methodist Churches during the last several years, it became apparent within the GMC that we needed to get the correct information out to the churches and to people who had left the UMC. During the last several years, a lot of misinformation has been shared and we just wanted to give churches and people correct information.” 

            Within Eastern KY, there are eight Global Methodist Churches, with more leaving the UMC and joining the GMC. Rev. Smith says this “town hall’ style meeting is not to “put the GMC up against the UMC or about any other denominations. It is to clarify who the Global Methodist Denomination is and what our goals and missions are.” Along with open hearts and open minds, Rev. Smith hopes that people with questions will come to ask those questions and receive the answers they are looking for. “I hope that God will open doors for the people of God to hear the voice of God and respond to His leading.” She explained. 

            This one time gathering will take place at The Train Depot downtown Ashland is a free event, open to the community and will take place on Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. Other GMC pastors in the Boyd County and Ashland areas will also be in attendance to help greet and answer questions. “My hope is that those in attendance will come to understand what the GMC is all about and how the GMC can help them follow the teachings of Christ in a world that is leading so many astray.” For those who are unsure about attending, Rev. Smith invites them to come anyway and discover the truth (about the GMC) for themselves. “If we are open to God, He will lead us where we need to go and how to follow Him”

            The culture of today’s society encourages covering up or hiding what we don’t want others to see or hear. Social media would rather people over filter their photos, censor posts and information, than encourage people to be themselves. The transparency and vulnerability of what Reverand Tammy Smith and the other local GMC pastors and leaders are trying to do is a breath of fresh air, especially where religion and faith is concerned, even more so without political agenda. The meeting is purely informational with an open invitation to all who may have questions, concerns, or even have interest in seeking faith, respecting all who attend. 

The Train Depot is located at 99 15th Street, Ashland, KY 41101. 


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