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Beauty From AshesLocal Woman Publishes Life-Changing Testimony

Beauty From Ashes

Local Woman Publishes Life-Changing Testimony

Brandy York

The Ashland Beacon


            “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. 

When they are troubled, we will be able to give them

the same comfort God has given us,” 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT).

For Katherine Miller-Brown, also known as Katie by her friends and family, this meant being transparent to the world about her battle with drug addiction, domestic abuse, and even time spent in federal prison. Her trials became her testimony, and her testimony became an inspiration to many. However, after much prayer and surrender, Katie knew she had to get her testimony onto a much bigger platform. That’s when her dream of becoming an author merged with her testimony and her story was put into the form of a book, titled “It’s Not Over: A Real-Life Journey of Enlightenment to Self.”

As a native of Huntington, WV, Katie spent much of her childhood traveling the world because of her stepfather spending 23 years in the military. She graduated from Carthage High School in Carthage, NY and then went to Ohio State University at Marion, where she played college volleyball. After only one year, Katie dropped out and her life took a drastic turn, filled with days she described as “un-promised.” “It’s Not Over” tells of this dark time, and how she found a deeper relationship with God in a prison cell, and inspired fellow inmates along the way.

As she tells readers in the first few pages, “This is when she gave her life to the Lord and strived to finish everything, she set herself out to do and never looked back.” Katie later went on to receive her associate of science in business management from Post University and then established a career at Mended Reeds in Ironton, OH (a facility that specializes in the treatment of substance abuse and mental abuse). She continued to let God use her story and experiences by becoming an ordained minister in March 2023. Given the impact that jail ministry had on her while behind bars, she felt led to establish the same type of ministry for local women needing spiritual awakening while incarcerated. She now leads a women’s ministry at a local county jail on Sunday afternoons. Outside of work and jail ministry, Katie is active in her church Christ Temple of Ashland, KY and is a wife to Warren “Skip” Brown and mother to her two young sons and daughter.

Katie says once she surrendered to God’s will for her life, she then knew she needed to get her testimony in writing to be shared with all those who would receive it. The book was roughly two years in the making, with a few setbacks along the way. Issues with publishing, a compromised deal, and even the passing of her biological father due to COVID (which threw her back into a dark place for about six months). However, God made a way for Katie out of the darkness, just as He always had, and she contacted another publisher who was able to make her biggest dream a reality.

“Being in an abusive relationship and feeling like I’ve been hiding behind a mask since childhood made me realize that I wasn’t the only one in the world suffering, but I was one of the many chosen by God to shed some light on overcoming obstacles that were sent to destroy us,” explained Katie.

No matter what your setback or hang-up may be, whatever trial you are facing, the book “It’s Not Over” is a powerful story of surrender, survival, and becoming stronger. Although the book is out now for purchase on Amazon (available in paperback, hardcover, and E-book), she will host an official release party and book signing at Broadway Books on Winchester Avenue in Ashland on Saturday Sept. 28, 2024, at 5 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come out and support the tri-state’s newest author!


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The Ashland Beacon’s owners, Philip and Lora Stewart, Kimberly Smith, and Jason Smith, established The Greater Ashland Beacon in 2011 and over the years the Beacon has grown into what you see now… a feel-good, weekly newspaper that brings high quality news about local events, youth sports, and inspiring people that are important to you. The Greater Ashland Beacon prides itself in maintaining a close relationship with the community and love nothing more than to see businesses, youth, and civic organizations in the surrounding areas of Boyd and Greenup counties thrive. 

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